M602: Seminar in Musicology. The passion music of C.P.E. Bach |
Daniel R. Melamed |
School of Music, Indiana University |
Fall 2004 |
30 August 1. Introduction/CPEB as Hamburg church musician. Guest: Prof. Reginald L. Sanders
6 September 2. Background topics
13 September 3. The 1789 passion--Analytical issues
20 September 4. The 1789 passion--Analytical issues, cont.
27 September 5. The 1789 passion--sources
4 October 6. The Matthew passions
11 October 7. The 1771 passion--sources
18 October 8. The 1771 passion--sources
25 October 9. The 1771 passion--analytical issues
1 November 10. Individual passions--overviews
8 November 11. [Individual meetings]
15 November 12. Guest: Paul Corneilson (Managing Editor, CPEB: CW)
22 November 13. DRM on earlier Hamburg passions / Presentation: 1. M. Nisbet
29 November 14. Presentations: 2. R. Goldberg (with Table) 3. T. Yeager 4. A. Shaffer
6 December 15. Presentations: 5. T. Cheng (with Table and Table) 6. C. Hunter (with Appendix) 7. S. Winks
Prof. Daniel R. Melamed
MU011, 855-1738
dmelamed (AT) indiana.edu
Office hours: By appointment. E-mail questions are welcome at any time
and are the fastest way to get an answer.
Course information, assignments, reserve lists and this schedule can be found at
http://m602.melamed.org, also reachable through http://dmelamed.pages.iu.edu
These are available in the Music Library. Selected electronic reserves are at http://ereserves.indiana.edu/coursepage.asp?cid=2798; password "passion."
Students are expected to attend every class; please do not schedule conflicting activities. Religious commitments and serious illness are ordinarily the only acceptable reasons for missing a class meeting. Please let the instructor know beforehand by e-mail if you are forced to miss a class. Members of the class are expected to participate actively in class discussions and to be fully prepared to do so every time.
There will be no examinations. The course grade will be based on presentations, participation and the final paper.
Tong Cheng tcheng AT indiana.edu
Randy Goldberg regoldbe AT indiana.edu
Caitlin Hunter canhunte AT indiana.edu
Matthew Nisbet mnisbet AT indiana.edu
Ann Shaffer ashaffer AT indiana.edu
Sherri Winks swinks AT indiana.edu
Travis Yeager tnyeager AT indiana.edu
Daniel R. Melamed dmelamed AT indiana.edu
Documents and letters
Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel. Briefe und Dokumente: kritische Gesamtausgabe.
Edited by Ernst Suchalla. 2. vols. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1994.
[ML410.B112 A22]
Wiermann, Barbara. Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach: Dokumente zu Leben und Wirken aus
der zeitgenössischen Hamburgischen Presse (1767-1790). Hildesheim: Olms, 2000 .
[ML410.B112 W5]
Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel. The letters of C.P.E. Bach. Translated and edited by
Stephen L. Clark. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1997. [ML410.B112 A27]
Miesner, Heinrich. Philipp Emanuel Bach in Hamburg: Beiträge zu seiner
Biographie und zur Musikgeschichte seiner Zeit. Heide, 1929. [ML410.B112 M6]
Ottenberg, Hans-Günter. C.P.E. Bach. Translated by Philip J. Whitmore. Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 1987. [ML410.B112 O872]
CPEB's church music
Leisinger, Ulrich and Hans-Günter Ottenberg, eds. Carl Philipp Emanuel Bachs
geistliche Musik: Bericht über das internationale Symposium (Teil 1) vom 12. bis
16. März 1998 in Frankfurt (Oder). Frankfurt (Oder): Konzerthalle "Carl Philipp
Emanuel Bach", 2000. [ML410.B112 C3 v.1]
Nagel, Anette. Studien zur Passionskantate von Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach. Frankfurt am Main: P. Lang, c1995. [ML410.B112 N34]
Clark, Stephen L. "C.P.E. Bach and the Tradition of Passion Music in Hamburg."
Early Music 16 (1988): 533–41. [e-reserves]
Quarg, G. "'Passions-Cantatte von Ph.E.Bach': zur Kölner Markus-Passion." Musik
und Kirche 65 (1995): 62–71. [pdf here]
Clark, Stephen Lewis. "The Occasional Choral Works of C. P.
E. Bach." Ph.D. diss., Princeton University, 1984. [AAT 8415530; DAI-A 45/04, p.
981, Oct 1984] [ML410.B112 C5]
Sanders, Reginald LeMonte. "Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach and liturgical music at
the Hamburg principal churches from 1768 to 1788." Ph.D. diss, Yale University,
2001. [AAT 3030822; DAI-A 62/10, p. 3235, Apr 2002] [ML410.B112 S2]
Kulukundis, Elias N. "C. P. E. Bach in the Library of the Singakademie zu Berlin." In Stephen L. Clark, ed., C.P.E. Bach studies, 159-176. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1988. [ML410.B112 C12]
Bach, Carl Philipp. Emanuel Markus-Passion für Soli, Chor, Orchester und Basso continuo. Ed. Harald Kümmerling. Köln-Rheinkassel: Edition Dohr, c1997. [Miniature score M2000 .M27]
Hamburg church music
Sittard, Joseph. Geschichte des Musik- und Concertwesens in Hamburg. Altona and
Leipzig, 1890. [ML283.H19 S62]
Krüger, Liselotte. Die hamburgische Musikorganisation im 17. Jahrhundert.
Strassburg: Heitz & Co., 1933. [ML283.8.H19 K9]
Kremer, Joachim. Das norddeutsche Kantorat im 18. Jahrhundert: Untersuchungen am
Beispiel Hamburgs. Kassel, 1995. [ML2929 .K74]
Kremer, Joachim. Joachim Gerstenbüttel (1647-1721) im Spannungsfeld von Oper und
Kirche: ein Beitrag zur Musikgeschichte Hamburgs. Hamburg: von Bockel, 1997.
[ML410.G2886 K74]
Becker, H. "Die frühe hamburgische Tagespresse als musikgeschichtliche Quelle."
Beiträge zur hamburgischen Musikgeschichte, ed. H. Husmann, 22-45. Hamburg,
1956. [ML283.8.H19 H9]
Birke, J. "Zur Geschichte der Passionsaufführungen in Hamburg bis zum Tode des Kantors Thomas Selle." Zeitschrift des Vereins für hamburgische Geschichte, 44 (1958): 219–32. [pdf here]
Telemann passions
Telemann. Lukaspassion 1728. Ed. Hans Hörner and Martin Ruhnke. Musikalische
Werke 15. Kassel: Bärenreiter, 1964. [M3 .T26 v. 15]
Telemann. Matthäus-Passion für Soli, Chor und Orchester. Ed. Kurt Redel.
Wiesbaden: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1976. [M2003.T3 P44]
Telemann. Johannes-Passion : 1737. Ed. Felix Schroeder. New York: Edition
Eulenburg, 1976. [M2000.T44 J6 (1737)]
Telemann. Johannespassion 1745 : Ein Lämmlein geht und trägt die Schuld, TWV
5:30. Ed. Wolfgang Hirschmann. Musikalische Werke 29. Kassel: Bärenreiter, 1996.
[M3 .T26 v. 29]
Telemann. Matthäus-Passion (1754). Ed. Eitelfriedrich Thom. Michaelstein:
Kultur-und Forschungsstätte Michaelstein, 1986. [M2000.T44 M2]
Seliges Erwägen: Passionsoratorium in neun Betrachtungen. Ed. Ute
Poetzsch. Musikalische Werke 33. Kassel: Bärenreiter, 2001. [M3 .T26 v.33]
Telemann. Lukas-Passion (1744). Ed. Felix Schroeder. Die
Kantate 210. [M2000.T44 L7 (1744)]
Lesle, L. "Passion für Passionen: das Hamburger 'Telemann-Projekt.'" Musik und
Kirche 65 (1995): 114–15. [pdf here]
Telemann. Matthäus-Passion (1746) Soli, gemischter Chor und Orchester. Ed. Felix
Schroeder. Heidelberg : W. Müller, 1976. REQUESTED
Original sources
Sing-Akademie sources on microfiche: AKK5958 -- SHELVED WITH FRONTLOG MICROFICHES
Part 1, Supplement II; index/guide in box
Sing-Akademie sources on CD-ROM: AKK5958 --SHELVED BEHIND THE FRONT DESK
Part 1, Supplement II; no index/guide
Telemann sources on microfiche: AKK5958 -- SHELVED WITH FRONTLOG MICROFICHES
Part 2
Librettos in electronic form
Mt Mk Lk Jh 1769 1770 1771 1772 1774 1775 1776 1777 1778 1780 1781 1782 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 1789
Materials on personal reserve
Black binder labeled “Selected Works”
Maroon binder labeled “Bach & Telemann Articles”
White binder labeled “1789 Passion Proofs”
White binder labeled “C.P.E. Bach Complete Works (excerpts)”
White binder labeled “Luke Passion (Working Manuscript)”
1. Introduction/C.P.E. Bach as Hamburg church musician.
Please read
Ottenberg, Hans-Günter. C.P.E. Bach. Translated by Philip J. Whitmore. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987. [ML410.B112 O872]
Ulrich Leisinger's entry in the new New Grove.
Sanders, Reginald LeMonte. "Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach and liturgical music at the Hamburg principal churches from 1768 to 1788." Ph.D. diss, Yale University, 2001. [Frontlog books 5788853]
A. CPEB editions/catalogues: T. Cheng
B. CPEB estate/auction catalogues/sources: C. Hunter
C. The Sing-Akademie zu Berlin/recovery of sources: A. Shaffer
D. CPEB's church music repertory (his own music): M. Nisbet
E. CPEB's church music repertory (Fremdwerke): S. Winks
F. Hamburg hymnals: T. Yeager
G. CPEB passion music studies to date: R. Goldberg
Original musical sources [microfiche]
Original printed libretto [binder]
Draft edition in CPEB:CW incl. preface and critical commentary [binder]
Score of BWV 244 [NBA II/5]
Outline/synopsis [see above]